Thursday, June 17, 2021

他终于谈起了纽西兰/Finally, He Mentioned About NZ

 Finally, he mentioned about NZ! 

As the AZ vaccine was still coursing through his veins, once we seated in the car, he exclaimed: I am starving, this vaccine is supposed to make you hungry. 

Unsure how true it was, or just psychologically induced, I said: okay, we go and grab something to eat. But then amidst the scrambling to hit the highway as I wheeled the car around, I said: first, we have to get out of here and enter the highway.

I should have still possessed some vague recollections of how to go from PWTC to Duta Toll, but succumbing to the precision of Google Map, I adhered every instruction given by my son’s hp. In less than 15 minutes, I swiped my TnG card and we were right on track back home. 

He was still hungry regardless of our success to steer our way into the highway, so I said: Let’s stop at Restoran Jejantas to look for food. Yeah, RJSB had been classified as HIDE for COVID lately, but then who cares, my son was starving and he was fighting the virus! 

And stopped we did, the desertion of the car park magnified the consequences of HIDE conferred to this particular R&R. Anyway, we scanned and entered the eatery outlets that spanned across the highway below, we spotted KFC first, no chicken today: my son said. We walked ahead, from afar we spotted Burger King, he said: I crave burger, let’s go for burger. 

I didn’t object, when the absence of dietary choices was apparent, you just go with the flow. Suddenly, he halted right in front of a shop, Krispy Kreme. Wow, their doughnuts are damn nice: he exclaimed. I didn’t object too, bewildered by his spontaneous reaction, I said: ok, let’s get some afterwards. 

About half an hour later, we were back in the car, after gobbling down the burgers and chicken nuggets, I had a doughnut from that shop. Yeah, it was good though a bit overly sweet. I was done first with my early dinner, after a few sips of some icy sprite, I ignited the car and passed him the buy-6-free-2 sugar glazed doughnut. 

In no time, he was done with the doughnut too. He took a few gulps of the iced drink, then he said calmly: you know what, Krispy Kreme is a big hit in NZ, I only saw one outlet in Auckland, and people deliberately fly to Auckland to pack it back to Napier! 

Wow, I am not aware of that at all, in fact I am not aware of the existence of this brand until yesterday, but again what startled me was not Krispy Kreme, it was the first time after one and a half year upon our return from NZ, from his own lips, I heard him mentioning about NZ again. 

Eventually, he inadvertently, gently, fumbled through his shattered memories about NZ......。

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