A Long Night
Darkness pounced on me when I suddenly awoke, there was a diaphanous layer of thin light on the window panes. I fumbled in the dark and rummaged for my phone on the floor, I pressed the side button and the screen feebly lit up the room.
It was 2.37 am, and my first sleep was only 5 hours.
I lay down in bed, but my mind was still fully awake, so I flipped through my FB, completing my trekking journal, leaving some comments and browsing the posts. Slowly, the sleepiness returned and I eventually fell asleep. Then I began to have a series of dreams, very uncoordinated, scattered and shattered, at times I thought they were dreams but they felt so true, and the dreams I felt so real, but they were unreal. I drifted into a delirious dream between awake and asleep until I heard the first cry of a rooster. Then others roosters from near and far followed to cry, every cry was like a sharp knife slashing a slit on the night shield, and its darkness flowed into the apertures with the light of the day flowing out to brighten up the sky.
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