Friday, May 24, 2024

I Dream of Snow

Threateningly close to the sky

I drift into a quiet 4500m sleep

At the chilling dining hall by the window

With a book on my lap

As lethargic as my torpor

It shuts itself naturally

listening to my whispering breath

In the pitch black of my dreamscape

I still sense the flurrying light

From the milky sky and the wind 

Nonsensically hurtling the praying flags

I begin to doubt if I have truly fallen asleep

Delusion and reality always intertwine 

It breeds occasional scepticism about life

Unsure sometimes about the directions

About signposts and fancy names of 

Destinations that can never be reached 

And now I am as sure as the rising sun 

I have arrived at a tiny spot closer to heaven 

Not in my dream though I start dreaming 

Blurry itinerant images indecipherable 

Capriciously ephemeral and keeps changing 

Something so difficult to get hold

To trace even the slightest outlines

But I dream exactly like I

Always dream in my life

Tangible or intangible I always dream on

Then the visual starts taking shape

In my ominously high-altitude dream

Something tiny wafting in the air

Sacred white and feathery light 

Then I see snowflakes falling down 

In my iridescent dreamscape 

I open my eyes to see wet blotches 

Sketching on the window pane 

Unfathomable patterns that signify 

Nothingness or lead to an epiphany 

It doesn't matter anymore 

I dream of snow and it's snowing 

A reality of my long-lusted dream 

- In the afternoon when it starts snowing at Thorong Phedi 

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